Despite Monday being a national holiday, I had to teach three Open House classes. While the classes were fun, they're just a pain. Open House classes are where parents (usually just mom) come to observe how well their kids are doing in class. These are always taught by a native-English-speaking teacher, but the Japanese teacher is there for support and to do conferencing with the parents.

What makes these difficult is that kids often become very, very shy in front of their parents. It makes it very hard to conduct class at times (as the kids are way too quiet), but most of the time classes end up going back to their usual noisy selves by the end of the hour.

Monday's was interesting in that I hadn't seen the classes since September, and one of the kindergarten boys in the first class, who is usually the first one to greet me and usually loves me to death, was beet red when he noticed it was me who was teaching today. Either he has his first crush and was embarrassed to see me after so long because of it, or he was angry at me not coming to his class for so long. Or both. It made the classes that much more amusing.

While I wanted to talk about Earth Plan's second company, Learn Japan, I just don't have any time. I'm going through the motions to move, as well as having 4 classes a day (today I'm blessed with 8 classes), and have had two Open House kanai classes I've had to do this week. 5 of today's classes were kanai classes.

While I would have time to write tomorrow, I need to spend the day shopping and making Church Windows and Rum Balls. Sunday is our company New Year's party, and all foreign teachers who are attending must bring a food from their home country. So I'm making my grandmother's Church Windows and Rum Balls. Sadly, since most will be driving to this party, I cannot use real rum.

Expect something about Learn Japan on Monday, as now I have to run to class.

Finding a link for a proper Rum Ball recipe took way too long. Most don't call of Coca-Cola, but my grandmother's do. Took me a good 15 minutes to find that link, and it's a freaking Word document. It will have to do.

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