Still messing around with the inner workings of Blogger as I'm new to all this.
The most "blogging" I ever did was an angsty excuse for a journal over at LiveJournal during my last two years of high school and college.
Now my friendslist is lucky if I update twice a year.

Think I found a template that will work for now, over at BTemplates. Had to tweak the heading image a bit because I didn't like how the title of the blog wasn't lined up with the travel tag on the image.

Woo Photoshop for the win. Not let's hope that doing so doesn't cause my Photobucket account to exceed bandwidth until I can find a more permenant way to put the image on Blogger itself. Any ideas?

Over the next few days I'll probably tweak and poke and prod the coding for this template a bit more to my liking, so don't be surprised at changes.

Now to go be a jungle gym teacher at a kindergarten a half hour away. Wish me luck.

Man I hope they found the weather flashcards I left there last month...

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